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  • To get a pre-purchase advice, you may post in the theme’s forum
  • To get a response more promptly, you are recommended to use our Ticket-system
  • We try to answer your questions within 1-10 hours. However, if any delay occurs it doesn’t mean that we forgot about you. Some of the issues require testing and analyzing, so we could help you more profoundly.
  • Please, note! We do not support queries if you do not have a purchase code.
  • Item support does not include:
    • Customization and installation services
    • Support for third party software and plug-ins

How to use our Support System

ThemeRex technical support is always there to assist their users with all
their technical questions regarding ThemeRex products.

  1. In the ‘Item Details’ there is a clickable banner “Support Sys” using which you are getting into tickets.
  2. Or you may simply use this link
  3. Enter your purchase key and register in the system
  4. To avoid confusing, please use for Support System your own ThemeForest login
  5. Fill out the ticket form

How to find a Purchase key

  1. Open the ‘downloads’ tab in your account
  2. Find our theme in the list of products
  3. Click ‘download’ button, and in the drop down menu select “license sertificate & purchase code”

Support Team

We create our themes with a thought of our customers, therefore
our team works hard to provide you best technical support in the world.


Jose Curtis

Financial Accountant

Tom Anderson

Senior Architect
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